Contact Details

Contact WD Drain Services for Drain and Tanker Services throughout the local Lancaster & Morecambe areas.

Emergency Callout

We offer an Emergency Callout 7 days a week between 8am - 8pm.


  • Monday to Sunday - 8:00am to 8:00pm

Contact Form

The information you send us will only be used to contact you as requested and will not be passed on to any third party.

All prices are subject to VAT and there are no hidden charges.
All our prices are an hourly rate and we charge the minimum of 1 hour for our services when attending your property.
All our repair work (excluding jetting) comes with a 12 month guarantee.
* Our 1 month guarantee assumes there is no damage to the pipe.
Out of hours and weekend rates apply after 6pm weekdays and weekends.